Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thursday August 26, 2010


Thanks for the letters! and thanks mucho for the package! I didn´t realize how expensive it is to send packages out here so don´t worry about sending another one. Last Tuesday we got to go to a store and twas suuuuppppeeerrrrr biiiieeennnn!! All the American type food is really expensive here but there´s lots of other native stuff that´s super cheap. It was funny to see the Spanish versions of lots of stuff like pringles and things.

All the Haitians left which was sad but all the native Spanish speaking elders came in today! They split up our trio so now it´s just elder waters and I. Elder Holt from Kaysville is now in our room and a elder from Santiago will be in our room too! I´m excited to practice Spanish with native speakers throughout the day! I´m really really really really excited to get into the field. Time has gone by sooo fast so it seems so close! I can´t send you pictures until my first pday in the field but it´s soo pretty here and I think you´d really like them! I feel like I´m kinda sorta a little bit starting to be able to understand Dominican español but not really...

no sé lo que debo escribir, entonces voy a escribir cualquier cosa que está en mi mente. Fuimos al templo hoy y fue bien. Cuando estaba en frente de las puertas del temple, me doy cuenta que yo había olvidad mi recomend del templo. Yo sé que esta iglesia es verdadera!

I´m not sure how grammatically correct that was but thanks so much for everything you do, mom and dad! Love you!

Elder Young

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